The following is a blog from Rikki talking about the move..
I have known Andy for about 8 years.
When he asked if I would like to work for him at Lunt Solar Systems I jumped at the opportunity. We had worked together at Coronado and I knew he had the vision and knowledge to make an amazing product and company.
There was one catch, however, I told him and the other owners that my husband and I were planning on moving to Peru in the next year to 2 years. He said “Well I’ll take you as long as we can have you.” Honestly I don’t think he thought we would go.
Peru…why Peru? My husband Jon was born in Peru. His family ran a Christian mission in the river basin of Pucallpa Peru. His father has retired from running the mission and Jon’s sister has taken over. There focus is on the kid in the community. Jon’s dad has a cattle ranch that he and Jon are now converting to housing developments.
When the time came and I let Andy and the guys know I was leaving we talked about me working remotely. Most of what I do is over the phone or online.
If you email of call Lunt Solar 99% of the time you will either be talking or writing to me.
So we set up a system that lets me log on to our accounting software remotely and a phone system that lets me talk with customers anywhere in the world.
And none of this would be possible if it weren’t for my eyes and ears (sometimes hands) in Tucson…Jen.....She is a life saver.